Joy Home for Children is Registered Charity which offers a home for Orphan Children in Hyderabad, India.

British Registered - Charity No 1131247
Indian Registered - JRS Charitable Trust – Reg 174/2004

Joy Home for Children is located in a village called Madhapur, Nalgonda District which is about 40 km's South East from Central Hyderabad, India and was founded in 2004.

'Joy Home provides a safe and secure environment for orphaned children'.

There are up to 100 children we support including local villiage children as well as a nearby HIV center (outreach project).
For educational reasons, the children are divided into 2 groups. The older girls and younger children live at our Secunderabad Home and the older boys remain at Joy Home Orphanage. These children have been brought into the Orphanage either by the charity or members of the public over a period of 8 years. Each child has been registered with the local authorities and is listed as in the care of
‘Joy Home for Children’. These children are not for adoption and will remain part of the Joy Home family.

From 2004 till 2008, Joy Home for Children was privately funded by founder Dr. Nirmala Jyothi, her husband Dr. K. Karunakara Rao and their family and friends. joy home for children, orphanage in India As the number of orphaned children increased and with spiralling costs, it became essential to generate extra funding to provide the long term security for the children.

In March 2009, Joy Home website was launched followed by British Registration in August 2009. Now Joy Home for Children Orphanage is now offering everyone the opportunity to make a real difference.

We have 3 acres of land with plenty of space for development. Once developed, the land will provide an income as well as fresh fruit and vegetables for the home.

From our needs list you can choose what you would like to fund for the orphan children in India. You can make a donation online and we will tell you exactly where your money has been spent as well as providing regular updates via our website. As a small charity, it is so much easier to relate back to those that help. 

Joy Home for Children Orphanage is non profit making; all donations received (after bank fees) are spent on the orphan children in India. There are no UK salaries, no administration costs and no marketing budget. We do not spend donations on TV advertising or magazine campaigns. We are in search for corporate sponsorship to cover running expenses. Currently, our website is the only marketing tool which is created in-house for free.

We rely on you as a website vistor to let others know about Joy Home for Children Orphanage.

'Request to current UK supporter, please can you contact us on as we am claiming gift aid and require an email gift aid declarations'

Charity News and Updates

  • Donations for June 2024
    Direct Debit/Internet Banking Supporters = £40.
    Monthly Kind Donation from Mr/Mrs.Valluripal = £30.
    Monthly Donation for Fruit & Veg from R K Upasanii = £27.
    Thank you Mr/Mrs Barker = £200.
    Monthly Donation from Rakesh B = £48.10.
    Monthly Donation from P Shankar = £19.12.
    Hiten = £9.66. Received.
    Charities Trust = £174.42

    Thank you for your continuing support throughout the year. Also special thank you for our
    4 Direct Debit Supporters - Mr & Mrs Takyi, Sangha, Ian & Ruth.
    Mr & Mrs Takyi, Ian and Ruth, please complete Gift Aid Form.

  • New School Term - January 2024
    Funding will be required to pay for the next term including also school uniforms, books, stationary, school bags, shoes and socks, umbrellas and raincoats.
    All Listed Under our Needs List

  • Distribution of Corona Virus Prevention Care Kits for Joy Home Campus and the local village communities.
    Click here for photos.

  • Gift Aid Completion:
    If you are UK tax payer, we am able to claim 25% of your donation from the UK Government. Please can you complete this gift aid form.

    Download Gift Aid form here.

    Gift Aid for UK Tax Payers

  • We celibrated Christmas for gifts of clothes, food and cake. Topped off with a puppet show.
    Link to Youtube Video of Puppet Show

  • Floods in Hyderabad and many crops have failed for local villagers. We will provided some rice, lentils, sugar and oil to those who are struggling in November 2020.

    No fund raising events as yet.

  • Joy Home looking for fund raisers/donations for disabled children in India.
    Seva Sadanam Website - April 2017

  • Joy Home supports new charity venture to providing Health Packs and Medical needs to slum & street children in Goa. Financed by a private donation. New Charity Website - April 2013

  • Joy Home Orphanage wins Optimist Charity Awards 2009/2010 - January 2010

  • Joy Home Orphanage receives British Registration Status by Charity Commission.
    Registration Number 1131247 - August 2009

  • Joy Home Orphanage hit by storm force winds destroying the roof - May 2009.
    Click here for photos.

  • Charity Web site lauched - March 2009.

Thank you to our 4 direct debit supporters Sangha. Ian, Ruth & Mr/Mrs Takyi.....